Previous NEWS
New Delhi-headquartered Force Logistics Private Limited recently helped out with the movement of an unusual but highly important cargo shipped from Singapore to India. The cargo was a number of specialised canoes to be used by Singapore’s national canoe polo team in the 15th Asian Canoe Polo Championship...
APC Asia Pacific Cargo handled its biggest ever wind power project last month (November), when the IFLN freight forwarder organised and oversaw the shipping of ten 3MW wind power turbines and associated equipment from China to Sweden...
IFLN members are already looking forward to the Network’s next Membership Conference, all set for Colombo in Sri Lanka between March 23rd and 26th next year. The venue will be the five-star Kingsbury Hotel, set in the heart of the city...
The strength of partnerships
To deliver competitive and superior global supply chainMANAGEMENT & DOOR TO DOOR PROJECT SOLUTIONS
220 specialists freight companies in 90 countries
The IFLN Network comprises more than 220 specialist freight companies in 90 countries with high standards of quality, conduct, and business practices enabling them to compete with the multinational logistics companies on a global basis. Read more.
Latest articlesLooking forward to the 21st IFLN Conference in Colombo, Sri Lanka
IFLN members are already looking forward to the Network’s next Membership Conference, all set for Colombo in Sri Lanka between March 23rd and 26th next year. Read more.
Contact Information
Our office location700 Rockmead Dr, Suite 214
Kingwood (Houston)